Where it all makes sense
On the dance floor we are free, free to let go, let go of thinking, planning, worries, let go of “shoulds and musts”, let go of the stress of being a human and all the things we’re trying to figure out, and just be.
On the dance floor we balance between complete awareness and attentiveness, listening to the smallest sounds that remind us of a drip in a cave to that beat that makes us change our movement. How our feet feel on the ground with each step we take. To complete absorption of the presence and flow, where no-things are needed, no details stick and our movements become one with the music.
On the dance floor we are free to express ourselves and see others do the same, and with this we connect: we are dancing together but alone.
It’s on the dance floor I find my compassion again, when it has faded away by the many superficial things of life. When I’m trying to keep faith in a world that is slowly falling apart, the dance floor gives me a break and a beat to change to. To change back to myself.
On the dance floor we can be free and reconnect to ourselves, others and the bigger picture. And then it all starts to make sense again.